Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Meal Planning Monday 2018 Week 40

Breakfast for baby S just milk as we had to go out
Lunch for baby S cottage pie puree from a jar as I had nothing homemade prepared that wasn't frozen as we were away at the weekend
Lunch for me  pizza
Dinner for me and my husband roast chicken

Breakfast for baby S yogurt with mango puree
Lunch for baby S rest of cottage pie puree with roast chicken and leftover  veg
Lunch for me tinned mackerel in BBQ sauce (not as weird as it sounds - it's John West)
Dinner for me and my husband  curry

Breakfast for baby S yogurt or porridge with mango puree
Lunch for baby S jar of chicken and pumpkin puree with added chicken and pasta
Lunch for me jacket potato
Dinner for me and my husband chicken, bacon and basil pasta from this recipe

Breakfast for baby S yogurt or porridge with mango puree
Lunch for baby S jar of chicken and pumpkin puree with added chicken and veg
Lunch for me toasted sandwich
Dinner for me and my husband cheese and tomato puff pastry twist

Breakfast for baby S Probably just milk - my husband is looking after her while I go to the Cake and Bake Show and I think getting him to fit in two solid meals will be tricky
Lunch for baby S homemade beef casserole
Lunch for my husband Beans on toast
Dinner for me and my husband Something easy from the freezer (ie chips)

Breakfast for baby S Just milk as we are going to an early gym class to make up for one we have to miss on Friday
Lunch for baby S chicken dinner made with leftover roast chicken and veg
Lunch for us  Hot dogs
Afternoon having family over so I will try to make cake of some sort
Dinner for me and my husband rosemary chicken with orange glaze from this recipe

Breakfast for baby S porridge with peach puree
Lunch for baby S scrambled egg and toast
Lunch for us scrambled eggs for him, poached egg and smoked salmon for me
Dinner for me and my husband spaghetti Bolognese/ spaghetti and meatballs


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